Limestone Benefits
Limestone benefits your lawn in many ways. When your soil pH is too low or acidic, it needs limestone to bring it back into balance. Soil that is too acidic causes fertilizers and important nutrients to become ‘locked up’ and thus unavailable to the grass plant.
Locked up nutrients may result in the grass becoming thin and yellow, allowing thatch to build up faster, and hinder root growth. Even with proper fertilization, a lawn with poor soil pH can’t fully utilize the nutrients applied to become thick and stay green.
We suggest limestone applications for acidic lawns. Limestone may be applied any time of the year but is most effective when applied in the late fall or early winter because it is insoluble. Rain, snow, and alternate freezing/thawing of the soil at this time of year helps work the limestone into the soil. Movement of limestone into the soil is slow, even under the best of conditions. Even during winter months, there is something you can do to help your lawn.
Why do soils become acid?
Soils become acid through natural processes and human activities. The pH of most soils is controlled by the amount of rainfall. In humid areas, such as the northeastern United States, rainfall percolates through the soil, leaching ions such as calcium and magnesium which prevent the soil from becoming more acid and replacing them with acidic ions such as hydrogen and aluminum. Other natural processes that increase soil acidity include root growth and decay of organic matter by soil microorganisms.
More information on soil pH and lime from Penn State.
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Contact ProLawnPlus today to get your FREE no-obligation estimate. Let us help your lawn get the start it needs today, to be the lawn you’ve always wanted tomorrow. ProLawnPlus is a local lawn care company. We provide lawn care as well as tree and shrub services for Maryland residents in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Howard County, in addition to portions of Harford County and Carroll Counties.